message = input('Tell me something, and I will repeat it back to you: ') print(message)
Tell me something, and I will repeat it back to you: Hello Python!
Hello Python!
name = input("Please enter your name: ") print("Hello, " + name + "!") Please enter your name: hery Hello, hery!
prompt = "If you tell us who you are, we can personalize the messages you see." prompt += 'nWhat is your name? ' name = input(prompt) print("nHello, " + name + "!")
age = input("How old are you? ") print(type(age)) How old are you? 12 <class 'str'>
height = input("How tall are you, in inches? ") height = int(height) if height >= 36: print("nYou're tall enough to ride!") else: print("nYou'll be able to ride when you're a little older.")
number = input("Enter a number, and I'll tell you if it is even or odd: ") number = int(number) if number % 2 == 0: print('nThe number ' + str(number) + ' is even.') else: print('nThe number ' + str(number) + ' is odd.')
current_number = 1 while current_number <= 5: print(current_number) current_number += 1
1 2 3 4 5
prompt = "nTell me something , and I will repeat it back to you:" prompt += "nEnter 'quit' to end the program. " message = '' while message != 'quit': message = input(prompt) print(message)
Tell me something , and I will repeat it back to you: Enter 'quit' to end the program. Hello Python Hello Python Tell me something , and I will repeat it back to you: Enter 'quit' to end the program. Hello 0629 Hello 0629 Tell me something , and I will repeat it back to you: Enter 'quit' to end the program. quit quit
输入为 quit 时循环结束。
若不想将 quit 也作为一条消息打印出来,则:
prompt = "nTell me something , and I will repeat it back to you:" prompt += "nEnter 'quit' to end the program. " message = '' while message != 'quit': message = input(prompt) if message != 'quit': print(message)
prompt = "nTell me something , and I will repeat it back to you:" prompt += "nEnter 'quit' to end the program. " active = True while active: message = input(prompt) if message == 'quit': active = False else: print(message)
敲代码的时候把 active = False 敲成了 active = 'False',然后输入quit还一直执行循环,哈哈哈
prompt = "nPlease enter the name of a city you have visited:" prompt += "n(Enter 'quit' when you are finished.) " while True: city = input(prompt) if city == 'quit': break else: print("I'd love to go to " + city.title() + "!")
Note: Python循环(while循环、for循环)中都可使用break语句来推出循环。
current_number = 0 while current_number < 10: current_number += 1 if current_number % 2 == 0: continue else: print(current_number)
1 3 5 7 9
x = 1 while x < 5: print(x) x += 1
上述的代码块中,若漏写了代码行 x += 1,这个程序将没完没了地运行。可按Ctrl + C,也可关闭显示程序输出的终端窗口,或关闭编辑器,结束无限循环。