--如何用"最小缺失数"实现确实日期的自动补全 -->生成测试数据: GO IF OBJECT_ID('TBL')IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE TBL GO CREATE TABLE TBL( 日期 DATE, 备注 VARCHAR(100) ) GO INSERT TBL SELECT '2012-03-02','B' UNION ALL SELECT '2012-03-05','C' UNION ALL SELECT '2012-03-06','D' UNION ALL SELECT '2012-03-07','E' UNION ALL SELECT '2012-03-09','F' UNION ALL SELECT '2012-03-11','G' UNION ALL SELECT '2012-03-12','H' UNION ALL SELECT '2012-03-13','I' UNION ALL SELECT '2012-03-15','J' UNION ALL SELECT '2012-03-19','K' UNION ALL SELECT '2012-03-20','L' GO IF OBJECT_ID('P_SP')IS NOT NULL DROP PROC P_SP GO CREATE PROC P_SP @ENDTIME DATE AS DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(100) SET @SQL='SELECT * FROM TBL ORDER BY 日期' DECLARE @MINMISS DATE SET @MINMISS=( SELECT COALESCE(DATEADD(DD,1,MIN(A.日期)), '2012-03-01') AS MISSING FROM TBL A WHERE NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM TBL B WHERE B.日期=DATEADD(DD,1,A.日期)) AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM TBL WHERE 日期='2012-03-01')) PRINT @MINMISS WHILE @MINMISS<=@ENDTIME BEGIN INSERT TBL(日期) VALUES(@MINMISS) SELECT @MINMISS=( SELECT DATEADD(DD,1,MIN(A.日期)) FROM TBL A WHERE NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM TBL B WHERE B.日期=DATEADD(DD,1,A.日期)) ) END EXEC(@SQL) EXEC P_SP '2012-03-20' /* 日期 备注 2012-03-01 NULL 2012-03-02 B 2012-03-03 NULL 2012-03-04 NULL 2012-03-05 C 2012-03-06 D 2012-03-07 E 2012-03-08 NULL 2012-03-09 F 2012-03-10 NULL 2012-03-11 G 2012-03-12 H 2012-03-13 I 2012-03-14 NULL 2012-03-15 J 2012-03-16 NULL 2012-03-17 NULL 2012-03-18 NULL 2012-03-19 K 2012-03-20 L */
-->生成测试数据: GO IF OBJECT_ID('TBL')IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE TBL GO CREATE TABLE TBL( 日期 DATE ) GO INSERT TBL SELECT '2012-03-01' UNION ALL SELECT '2012-03-31' --利用递归实现输出三月份的所有日期: go declare @date date select @date=MAX(日期) from tbl ;with t as( select * from tbl union all select dateadd(dd,1,a.日期) from t a where not exists(select * from tbl b where b.日期=DATEADD(DD,1,a.日期) ) and a.日期<@date ) select *from t order by 日期 /* 日期 2012-03-01 2012-03-02 2012-03-03 2012-03-04 2012-03-05 2012-03-06 2012-03-07 2012-03-08 2012-03-09 2012-03-10 2012-03-11 2012-03-12 2012-03-13 2012-03-14 2012-03-15 2012-03-16 2012-03-17 2012-03-18 2012-03-19 2012-03-20 2012-03-21 2012-03-22 2012-03-23 2012-03-24 2012-03-25 2012-03-26 2012-03-27 2012-03-28 2012-03-29 2012-03-30 2012-03-31 */
/* create table #tB( [A] int, [C2] varchar(10), [C3] datetime ) insert #tB select 1,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-02-01' union all select 2,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-02-02' union all select 3,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-02-03' union all select 4,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-02-04' union all select 4,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-09-04' union all select 5,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-09-08' union all select 5,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-03-08' union all select 6,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-03-11' union all select 4,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-05-04' union all select 5,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-02-08' union all select 6,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-05-11' union all select 7,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-05-14' union all select 8,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-05-16' union all select 7,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-03-14' union all select 8,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-03-16' union all select 6,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-09-11' union all select 7,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-09-14' union all select 8,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-09-16' union all select 9,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-11-17' 想得到如下结果 SQL code month total percent 2010-01 0 .... 2010-02 14 .... 2010-03 26 .... 2010-04 0 .... 2010-05 25 .... 2010-06 0 .... 2010-07 0 .... 2010-08 0 .... 2010-09 25 .... 2010-10 0 .... 2010-11 9 .... 2010-12 0 .... */ go if OBJECT_ID('tbl')is not null drop table tbl go create table tbl( [A] int, [C2] varchar(10), [C3] datetime ) insert tbl select 1,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-02-01' union all select 2,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-02-02' union all select 3,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-02-03' union all select 4,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-02-04' union all select 4,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-09-04' union all select 5,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-09-08' union all select 5,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-03-08' union all select 6,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-03-11' union all select 4,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-05-04' union all select 5,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-02-08' union all select 6,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-05-11' union all select 7,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-05-14' union all select 8,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-05-16' union all select 7,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-03-14' union all select 8,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-03-16' union all select 6,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-09-11' union all select 7,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-09-14' union all select 8,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-09-16' union all select 9,'dfgsdfgsdf','2010-11-17' select isnull(c1,'2010-'+right('00'+ltrim(number),2)) as [month],--实现按月份递增 isnull(c2,0) as total, ltrim(cast(isnull(c2,0)*100*1.0/(select sum([A]) from tbl) as decimal(18,2)))+'%' as [percent] --求百分比 from master..spt_values b left join (select convert(varchar(7),C3,120) as c1,sum([A]) as c2 from tbl group by convert(varchar(7),C3,120) ) c on b.number=month(c.c1+'-01') where b.type='p' and b.number between 1 and 12 /* month total percent 2010-01 0 0.00% 2010-02 15 14.29% 2010-03 26 24.76% 2010-04 0 0.00% 2010-05 25 23.81% 2010-06 0 0.00% 2010-07 0 0.00% 2010-08 0 0.00% 2010-09 30 28.57% 2010-10 0 0.00% 2010-11 9 8.57% 2010-12 0 0.00% */